

Berenice Denton

Berenice Denton, Nashville’s “Estate Sale Queen”, has been in the appraisal and estate sale business for over 40 years.

As a graduate of Vanderbilt University and member of the Appraisers Association of America and the New England Appraisers Association, Berenice and her knowledgeable team have held estate sales all over Nashville, Middle Tennessee, Memphis, TN, Birmingham and Sheffield, Alabama, Marion, Illinois, Cadiz, Kentucky, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Dayton, Ohio and as far west as Albuquerque, New Mexico.

While she has conducted Estate Sales for some of Nashville’s biggest names and several celebrities, she truly enjoys helping all people during transitional times in their lives.


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Panel: Let’s Talk High-End Sales

Berenice-Denton I Michael Fry I Janelle Stone

Do you currently do high-end sales or are you interested in becoming a company that specializes in them? Our panelists are reputable high-end estate sale company owners and they’re here to share their secrets with you. They’ll be discussing their journey, brand narratives, challenges, and so much more.